What happened to you is not your fault but your healing is your responsibility.
Trauma Therapy in California and Idaho
Trauma has a profound impact on our lives, often disrupting them in ways we may not fully understand. As a therapist specializing in trauma recovery, I've seen how trauma can affect individuals on a deep emotional and psychological level.
One reason trauma can be so disruptive is its ability to shatter our sense of safety and security. Traumatic events can leave us feeling vulnerable and fearful, leading to hypervigilance and difficulty trusting others.
Additionally, trauma can affect our beliefs about ourselves and the world around us. It can lead to feelings of shame, guilt, and worthlessness, which can impact our self-esteem and how we relate to others.
Furthermore, trauma can disrupt our emotional regulation, leading to intense and sometimes overwhelming emotions. This can make it challenging to cope with daily stressors and can result in mood swings and emotional outbursts.
Therapy can be highly effective for those seeking relief from trauma symptoms. It provides a safe and supportive space for individuals to process their experiences and learn coping strategies. Through therapy, individuals can begin to heal from their trauma and reclaim their lives.